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Living Trust Seminar – Lansing

April 28 @ 6:30 pm - 8:00 pm

No matter your income or situation, everyone needs a plan!

Learn how to create a legacy for your family, church, and organizations that are meaningful to you. Get practical guidance for stewardship and avoid costly probate. Plan ahead and gain peace of mind.

Sunday, April 27 – Kenwood Church of Christ – Livonia – 4-5:30pm
Monday, April 28 – Great Lakes Christian College – Lansing – 6:30-8pm

Register today for the FREE seminar on April 27 Register today for the FREE seminar on April 28

Great Lakes Christian College will be sponsoring two upcoming Living Trust Seminars.  This seminar will inform participants of the advantages of a Living Trust over a Will.  For those interested, they will be directed as to how to finish the process of having a Living Trust for their family.

Financial Planning Ministry and Great Lakes Christian College partner to make this service possible. FPM is staffed by development specialists with backgrounds in business, finance, law education and planned giving.  FPM assists individuals through the entire estate planning process from “start to signatures.”  They do not sell insurance or investments.

Individuals are not charged a fee for FPM services but services are underwritten by GLCC.  Each estate plan will be done at no out of pocket cost to the individuals. In return for this service, valued in excess of $2,000, FPM encourages individuals to leave a residual gift (after death) to one of the FPM sponsoring ministries (of which GLCC is one). In essence these gifts are funded with funds that would have been lost to probate.

If you have any questions, please contact Jamie Wetzel, or 517-321-0242.


April 28
6:30 pm - 8:00 pm


Great Lakes Christian College