Our Students Are Equipped


Edited by Dr. John Nugent

Contact the Advancement Department on how to get a copy

Standards on Academics


2023 Restoration Appreciation Week
October 17 & 20, 2023

Jessie Harden
Dr. Walter Zorn

2022 Restoration Appreciation Week
October 18 & 21, 2022

Dr. Esther Hetrick – Video
Dr. John Mark Hicks – Video


2021 Restoration Appreciation Week
October 19 & 22, 2021


Restoration Appreciation Week Pamphlet 2021
Speakers:  (Tues) Dr. Dan Cameron
“Stone-Campbell Anti-Creedalism: Assessment & Trajectories”

& (Fri) Dr. Jim Estep
“Generation to Generation: Navigating the Passage between Scriptural Adherence and Cultural Relevance”


2020 Restoration Appreciation Week
October 20 & 23, 2020

Restoration Appreciation Pamphlet 2020

Tuesday:  Kate Blakely, GLCC Professor of Cross-Cultural Ministry
“Reading the Scriptures Fruitfully: Alexander Campbell’s (Humble) Principles of Interpretation for the Bible”


Friday: President Larry Carter
“The Didache and The Restoration Movement”




2019 Restoration Appreciation Week
October 15 & 18, 2019
Restoration Appreciation Week 2019 ePamphlet

Tuesday, October 15 (11:00 a.m.)  AUDIO FILE  Dr. Ron Peters – Audio
Dr. Ron Peters, professor of New Testament, will be speaking on “The End of Christian Colleges and the Future of the Restoration Movement”


Friday, October 18 (11:00 a.m.)  AUDIO FILE Dr. Keith Keeran – Audio
Dr. Keith Keeran, former president of Kentucky Christian University and former GLCC faculty member, will be speaking on “P.H. Welshimer – The Conscience of a Movement”

Restoration Appreciation Week 2019 ePamphlet



October was the month we hosted our second annual Restoration Appreciation Week. It was an Acts 2:42 kind of week with teaching, fellowship, breaking bread, and prayer.

  • During chapel on Tuesday and Friday, we were blessed with excellent presentations by Jordan Kellicut (LEFT), minister of the Oakland Dr. Christian Church in Portage, MI and Dr. Paul Kissling (RIGHT), professor at Lincoln Christian Seminary, followed by table fellowship and discussion with both speakers Friday afternoon.
  • On Tuesday evening, we were encouraged by an all-campus devotions on unity led by Colton Wesley and followed by koinonia in the dorms.
  • On Wednesday evening, we celebrated with festive food and engaging activities that exposed students to the three branches of the Restoration Movement, followed by an informative and thought-provoking Q&A session with alumni servant leaders Pam St. Louis, Jared Gates, and Regan Clem.

Jordan Kellicut opened our eyes to Barton W. Stone’s apocalyptic conviction that Jesus inaugurated a new age in world history and will indeed return to consummate his reign. Jesus turned the world upside down and calls us to a life of fervent worship and evangelistic zeal. Jordan called us to imagine with Stone what it might mean for us to be “a united, unwaveringly devoted Christian Church whose eyes are only for Jesus and whose passion is singlemindedly focused on His renown.”

Paul Kissling reminded us that the task of restoration is not done and that a movement founded in Scripture must ever reform its understanding of Scripture. He highlighted our struggles to do so, our unique potential to do so, and four concrete proposals for doing so faithfully today. Paul concluded with this challenge: “If we are embracing the movement, this continuing reformation, we must become people soaked in Scripture and use the Scripture-based energy to tell the story and live the story.”

As with last year’s presentations, GLCC will be putting together a pamphlet that will be available in hardcopy and electronic forms. Visit our Restoration Appreciation page on our website for ePamphlets and video links.

These events are not just for our students. They are for GLCC family and friends! So begin making plans to join us next October!  – Dr. John Nugent, Professor of Theology



Tuesday – Jordan Kellicut –  Watch Here

Friday – Dr. Paul Kissling – Watch here

2016 Restoration Appreciation ePamphlet

Standards on Academics

2023 Restoration Appreciation Week
October 17 & 20, 2023

Jessie Harden
Dr. Walter Zorn

2022 Restoration Appreciation Week
October 18 & 21, 2022

Dr. Esther Hetrick – Video
Dr. John Mark Hicks – Video


2021 Restoration Appreciation Week
October 19 & 22, 2021

Restoration Appreciation Week Pamphlet 2021
Speakers:  (Tues) Dr. Dan Cameron
“Stone-Campbell Anti-Creedalism: Assessment & Trajectories”

& (Fri) Dr. Jim Estep
“Generation to Generation: Navigating the Passage between Scriptural Adherence and Cultural Relevance”


2020 Restoration Appreciation Week
October 20 & 23, 2020

Restoration Appreciation Pamphlet 2020

Tuesday:  Kate Blakely, GLCC Professor of Cross-Cultural Ministry
“Reading the Scriptures Fruitfully: Alexander Campbell’s (Humble) Principles of Interpretation for the Bible”


Friday: President Larry Carter
“The Didache and The Restoration Movement”




2019 Restoration Appreciation Week
October 15 & 18, 2019
Restoration Appreciation Week 2019 ePamphlet

Tuesday, October 15 (11:00 a.m.)  AUDIO FILE  Dr. Ron Peters – Audio
Dr. Ron Peters, professor of New Testament, will be speaking on “The End of Christian Colleges and the Future of the Restoration Movement”


Friday, October 18 (11:00 a.m.)  AUDIO FILE Dr. Keith Keeran – Audio
Dr. Keith Keeran, former president of Kentucky Christian University and former GLCC faculty member, will be speaking on “P.H. Welshimer – The Conscience of a Movement”



Restoration Appreciation Week 2019 ePamphlet


Great Lakes Christian College
6211 W. Willow Hwy
Lansing, MI 48917