Enroll in College while in High School
Dual Enrollment is a program that allows public, private, or homeschooled high school students to enroll in courses at Great Lakes Christian College for credit prior to high school graduation. College credits earned through dual credit may be applied toward high school and college graduation and may be transferred to other colleges or universities.

Dual enrollment eases the transition to college by giving students firsthand exposure to college-level work while earning high school and college credit simultaneously.
While taking advantage of the Dual-Enrollment costs, at $150 per credit hour, Dual enrollment also provides a wider range of course options for high school students.
Through this program, dual enrollment students can accumulate up to a full year’s worth of credits prior to entering college that will help them graduate from college early or on time.
Further benefit is realized from experiencing some of the advantages of Great Lakes Christian College.

High school students who are 16 years or older at the start of the semester or course and are prepared for the demands of college-level coursework may enroll in Great Lakes Christian College’s Dual Enrollment Program. Students should be in their last 2 years of their high school or have completed at least half of their graduation requirements. Dually enrolled students are limited to 6 college credits per semester and must run concurrent with high school coursework. Coursework in the Dual enrollment Program is limited to 100-level courses and requisites must be met. The Vice President of Academic Affairs may grant exceptions regarding coursework.
The following courses are automatically acceptable:
- BT 100 Introduction to Biblical Interpretation
- BT 135 Personal Spiritual Formation
- CC 110 Speech Fundamentals
- EN 130 / 131 Composition and Grammar 1 / 2
- HI 140 / 141 Ancient Western Civilization / Medieval Western Civilization
- LI 140 / 141 Ancient Western Literature / Medieval Western Literature
- MU 100 Introduction to Music
- NT 110 Life of Christ
- PY 150 Introduction to Psychology