A Memorial Scholarship in Brandon’s Name

The tragic news of Brandon’s death rang out throughout our campus on January 23, 2007, the day after his death. Brandon was killed in Iraq while on duty with the Michigan National Guard. Brandon was a unique young man who loved the Lord and loved his family. To have him as a student was a privilege. We cherish the relationship of all of our students because of their desire to serve the Lord. Brandon was no different. Both Audrey and Brandon were respected by their classmates and community and looked forward to the day that they could serve the Lord together.

The family decided to initiate a memorial scholarship in his name that will benefit many students for years to come. A gift to this scholarship would be a wonderful expression of your love and respect for Brandon’s life and what he stood for as a soldier for our country and a soldier for Christ.

Learn more of Brandon’s life [PDF]

Checks can be written to Great Lakes Christian College and in the memo designate it to the Stout Scholarship.

Send to:

Great Lakes Christian College
6211 W. Willow Hwy
Lansing, Michigan 48917

You may also give a gift through our website. Please designate it to the Stout Scholarship.


Feel free to contact Phil Beavers with any questions. Phil may be emailed at: PBeavers@glcc.edu.


Great Lakes Christian College
6211 W. Willow Hwy
Lansing, MI 48917