Created Specifically for High School Students
Our Dual Enrollment Online Program allows public, private, or home schooled high school students to enroll in courses at Great Lakes Christian College for credit prior to high school graduation. College credits earned through dual enrollment may be applied toward high school and college graduation and may be transferred to other colleges or universities.
The Associate of Arts program provides the opportunity for student to combine studies in Bible Theology with the General Education Requirements as they build a firm biblical foundation to build a fruitful life upon.
My experience has been great. I haven’t had any difficulties navigating through the online program or understanding assignments.
Tell Me More About the Online Programs from GLCC

Jump Start Your College Education with Dual Enrollment at Great Lakes Christian College
The Dual Enrollment Online Program has been designed with the high school student in mind. Courses are completed online, and there are no campus visits or residency requirements. Students are placed in a cohort group and move through the program at the same pace as traditional online students; taking one course at a time.
The format of the program allows each student to log in at the time of their choosing over 7-weeks of condensed learning.
Each week students complete various assignments and interact online with classmates, professors and facilitators.
Each week of classes run from Tuesday to Monday at 11:59 pm, at which point all assignments are due. (unless otherwise noted in the syllabus)
Dual Enrolled students have the flexibility to study around their other commitments while earning college credits!
The Benefits of Online Learning
- Earn an Associate of Arts before starting your first year of college
- Get online any time, night or day
- Courses completed entirely online
- No waiting in line to register for classes
- Earn a College Associate of Arts at Dual Enrollment price at $150 Per Credit Hour
- Save hundreds of dollars in tuition compared to traditional, on-campus classes
- Higher Learning Commission

Admissions Criteria
- Must be at least a freshman in high school or a home schooled student
- Submission of an online application
- Official high school transcript with a 2.0 GPA
- Must have a 3.0 GPA in Academic Success class to proceed
Dual Enrollment Course List
Dual Enrollment Course List
- Orientation/Personal Spiritual Formation
- Introduction to Biblical Interpretation
- Composition and Grammar
- Critical Research
- Speech Fundamentals
- Personal Financial Management
- Science Lab & Course
- Ancient Civilizations
- Ancient Literature
- Cultural Anthropology
- Modern Civilizations
- Modern Literature
- Intro. to Psychology
- Intro to Philosophy
* Contact our Online Coordinator to make a request for classes not listed above.