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Bible & Theology Certificate

This seven-course program focuses on the development of sound hermeneutical principals accompanied by an in-depth study of the Bible story and theoretical underpinnings of faith. The following seven courses are designed to EQUIP your leadership with a biblical and theological foundation from which to grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ.

  • Introduction to Bible Interpretation (Bible Story and Hermeneutics)
  • Old Testament 1 (Genesis through Kings)
  • Old Testament 2 (Prophets and Writings)
  • New Testament 1 (Background, Gospels, Acts)
  • New Testament 2 (Letters and Revelations)
  • Jesus of Nazareth (Theology)
  • Scripture and Christian Living (Practical Theology)

Focused Ministry Certificate

This six-course Ministry Program is designed to help equip students to effectively minister to the church by providing training and resources in preaching, teaching, counseling and leading. The courses in this certificate will EQUIP your leadership with the tools and knowledge to lead your congregation effectively and provide a solid base to build and support a well-rounded ministry. The courses included in this certificate are:

  • Bible Teaching for the Church
  • Elementary Homiletics
  • Ministerial Counseling
  • Ministry Toolbox
  • Servant Leadership
  • Conflict Management

Our Students Are Equipped

  • Written by Professors with PhD’s in Old Testament, New Testament, and Theology.
  • Online Courses with no campus visits or residency requirements.
  • One course per 7-week cycle.
  • Complete the program in 18 months.
  • Students learn content immediately applicable to their service in the church.
  • Lower cost per course than traditional tuition.
  • No need to quit your job or take time off ministry.


Great Lakes Christian College
6211 W. Willow Hwy
Lansing, MI 48917