Join us October 4 — 6


Pursue is a weekend retreat for those who are serious about their faith and desire to put it into action

Inspiring Worship

Experience sessions that will deepen your connection with God and ignite your passion for ministry.

Insightful Teachings

Learn from experienced leaders and professors who will provide valuable insights into various aspects of ministry.

Meaningful Fellowship

Build lasting relationships with peers and mentors who share your dedication to serving in ministry.

What is Pursue?

Students coming to this retreat will be encouraged and challenged to pursue ministry based careers in a church, on the mission field, or in a parachurch organization.

Pursue is held on the campus of Great Lakes Christian College on the quiet westside suburb of Lansing, Michigan in beautiful Delta Township.

Why Attend Pursue?

Dedicated to Ministry

The world needs people dedicated to a lifestyle of ministry, our churches need people with a heart for vocational ministry, and your local church desires students to serve even now.

Safe Space for Questions

There are a lot of questions about what it means to be in full time ministry, and Pursue is a safe place to have these conversations with real life examples/testimonies

Encouraging Community

Those going into full time ministry need people with similar passions to encourage them along the way. Our Pursue retreat will be a gathering of these kinds of people.

Holistic Growth

Whether you are interested in Youth Ministry, Preaching, Worship, Teaching, Children’s Ministry, Missions etc… this retreat is for you.

What Will Happen at Pursue?

At Pursue, you will get the chance to grow deeper in your faith and your desire for ministry through worship, teachings, and small group discussions.

A big part of ministry is relational, so be prepared to get to know new people, have fun together, and connect with GLCC Professors, staff, students, and local church leaders.

time of worship photo
Is This for Youth Groups?

In short, no. This retreat is for individuals that are desiring to pursue God on a level that would prepare them to a life of vocational ministry

Interactive Workshops

Engage in hands-on workshops that cover various aspects of ministry. From youth ministry techniques to effective preaching methods, these workshops offer practical skills and knowledge that you can apply in your future ministry endeavors.

Small Group Discussions

Join small group discussions where you can share your thoughts, ask questions, and learn from others. These intimate settings foster deep connections and provide a supportive environment for exploring your calling and growing in your faith.

Retreat Schedule Overview

The Pursue retreat is structured to provide a comprehensive and enriching experience over the course of a weekend. Below is a brief overview of the key events and activities planned for the retreat. A more detailed schedule will be posted as the event date approaches.

Friday, October 4th

Registration and Welcome

5:30 PM


6:30 PM

Welcome / Games

7:30 PM

Worship / Message

9:00 PM

Group Time

10:00 PM

Late Night Fun

11:00 PM

To Lodging

Saturday, October 5th

Workshops and Group Activities

8:00 AM


9:00 AM

Devo / Reflection

9:30 AM


10:30 AM


11:30 AM


12:30 PM

WSOC / Afternoon Activities

6:00 PM


7:30 PM

Worship / Message

9:00 PM

Group Time

10:00 PM

S’mores and Campfire

11:00 PM

To Lodging

Sunday, October 6th

Closing Sessions and Departure

8:30 AM


9:15 AM

Devo / Reflection

9:45 AM

Worship / Message

11:00 AM

See you later

Pursue Retreat Pricing

Join Us at Pursue

Don’t miss out on this transformative weekend retreat! Register now to secure your spot and take the next step in your faith journey. Connect with like-minded individuals, engage in meaningful discussions, and grow both intellectually and spiritually. Click the button below to sign up for Pursue at Great Lakes Christian College.

What to Bring

·         Bedding & pillow for twin mattress

·         Towel

·         Toiletries

·         Clothes

·         Jacket (it is Michigan, and you never know how warm October will be)

·         Bible

·         Notebook

·         Spending money for snacks, etc. (Reminder – all meals are included in your registration.)